Connecting Users to Affordable Transportation

Connecting Users to Affordable Transportation

Connecting Users to Affordable Transportation

A centralized tool that connects users to bike shops in the US based on their needs, while earning discounts and rewards.
A centralized tool that connects users to bike shops in the US based on their needs, while earning discounts and rewards.
A centralized tool that connects users to bike shops in the US based on their needs, while earning discounts and rewards.

UX/UI Design • App Design

UX/UI Design • App Design

UX/UI Design • App Design




Bike Loyalty App
Bike Loyalty App
Bike Loyalty App

My Role

Lead designer responsible for research, conceptualization, user-testing, and design


This project was completed as part of the Google Coursera UX Certificate program and required students to develop a product using their predefined personas, selecting two user groups who most closely match the product being designed. While only one flow was required, several flows were built out and can be interacted with in the final prototype linked at the end of this case study.

The Bike Loyalty App was created to connect users to bike shops to earn rewards and discounts, conveniently book services, shop, rent, and even track parts and maintenance on their personal bikes no matter where in the United States they are. The app provides visibility for shops while incentivizing users for certain actions.


100% of users who tested the app said that they would use the app if they had the need to shop or book any maintenance, since that can be a cumbersome process, and liked the concept of being able to earn rewards for various activities.

Avid riders who might not need to use the app at home stated they might use it while traveling to save them from making a trip with their bikes and preventing damages.

Key Learnings

During this process I learned a lot about designing advanced search functions, preventing errors through context, and how designing shopping experiences for apps might differ from websites.

By implementing a database model rather than a typical hierarchical model featured on many retail websites and placing the search function on the app's home screen, I was able to drastically improve the user experience while informing users of the apps capabilities.

My Role

Lead designer responsible for research, conceptualization, user-testing, and design


This project was completed as part of the Google Coursera UX Certificate program and required students to develop a product using their predefined personas, selecting two user groups who most closely match the product being designed. While only one flow was required, several flows were built out and can be interacted with in the final prototype linked at the end of this case study.

The Bike Loyalty App was created to connect users to bike shops to earn rewards and discounts, conveniently book services, shop, rent, and even track parts and maintenance on their personal bikes no matter where in the United States they are. The app provides visibility for shops while incentivizing users for certain actions.


100% of users who tested the app said that they would use the app if they had the need to shop or book any maintenance, since that can be a cumbersome process, and liked the concept of being able to earn rewards for various activities.

Avid riders who might not need to use the app at home stated they might use it while traveling to save them from making a trip with their bikes and preventing damages.

Key Learnings

During this process I learned a lot about designing advanced search functions, preventing errors through context, and how designing shopping experiences for apps might differ from websites.

By implementing a database model rather than a typical hierarchical model featured on many retail websites and placing the search function on the app's home screen, I was able to drastically improve the user experience while informing users of the apps capabilities.


I started the design process by conducting some foundational research and establishing key personas that will help define the problem and project objectives.

Foundational research was conducted through competitive audit of 3 companies with both websites and apps and 1 with only a website.

Contes Bike Shop UX





REI was the only direct competitor selling, renting, providing maintenance and loyalty program benefits. It is positioned as a retailer first and foremost and does not include booking tools via the website or app. The user experience is better than other competitors, but offers many categories of outdoor products which can become overwhelming for those focused on bikes.

Contes Bike Shop UX





REI was the only direct competitor selling, renting, providing maintenance and loyalty program benefits. It is positioned as a retailer first and foremost and does not include booking tools via the website or app. The user experience is better than other competitors, but offers many categories of outdoor products which can become overwhelming for those focused on bikes.






REI was the only direct competitor selling, renting, providing maintenance and loyalty program benefits. It is positioned as a retailer first and foremost and does not include booking tools via the website or app. The user experience is better than other competitors, but offers many categories of outdoor products which can become overwhelming for those focused on bikes.

Our Users

Based on our personas, we know that key user groups will include those cycling to save on their commute, and those purchasing for multiples, such as families and parents.

User Personas
User Personas
User Personas

User Personas

User Journey
User Journey
User Journey

Customer Journey Map

With this information, I began to define problems and objectives.

The Problem

Users need access to cost effective, convenient, and reliable transportation.

How might we connect users to affordable and reliable transportation with a simple-to-use app?

User Traits

01. Financially Conscious

Users are managing tight budgets and seek ways to save without compromising quality of life.

02. Novices

Some users lack of technical knowledge of bikes and need access to reliable and affordable maintenance at their convenience.

03. Varying Technical Affluence

Users span a wide range of technical affluence and abilities and require a simple and flexible experience that caters to both new and experienced users.

04. Busy

Users have busy lifestyles, are often required to multi-task, and can’t always spend a lot of time on tasks.

User Traits

01. Financially Conscious

Users are managing tight budgets and seek ways to save without compromising quality of life.

02. Novices

Some users lack of technical knowledge of bikes and need access to reliable and affordable maintenance at their convenience.

03. Varying Technical Affluence

Users span a wide range of technical affluence and abilities and require a simple and flexible experience that caters to both new and experienced users.

04. Busy

Users have busy lifestyles, are often required to multi-task, and can’t always spend a lot of time on tasks.


01. Cost Effective

The app should prioritize effectively and continuously informing users of sales, promotions, and rewards while facilitating easy redemption.

02. Reliable

Users should be informed about what is going on through timely feedback and system visibility. The app should encouraged intentional actions and provide context about functionality.

03. Easy to Use

It should be accessible to all, use familiar navigation methods to complete, and prevent errors.

04. Efficient

Information required to use the app should be visible and easily retrievable, reducing users' cognitive load.

Keeping in mind the competitive analysis, customer journey maps, and objectives, I began to ideate key features of the value proposition.

Must Have

  • Order History Details

  • Points Systems for Rewards

  • Booking tool with guaranteed turnaround time

  • QR code which helps employees pull loyalty profiles and applicable discounts

  • Indicator of existing point count/ number needed to redeem

  • Simplified dashboard version which can be turned on

  • Syncing with digital payment (apple pay, google pay, shop pay, etc)

  • Order History Details

  • Points Systems for Rewards

  • Booking tool with guaranteed turnaround time

  • QR code which helps employees pull loyalty profiles and applicable discounts

  • Indicator of existing point count/ number needed to redeem

  • Simplified dashboard version which can be turned on

  • Syncing with digital payment (apple pay, google pay, shop pay, etc)

Must Have

  • Order History Details

  • Points Systems for Rewards

  • Booking tool with guaranteed turnaround time

  • QR code which helps employees pull loyalty profiles and applicable discounts

  • Indicator of existing point count/ number needed to redeem

  • Simplified dashboard version which can be turned on

  • Syncing with digital payment (apple pay, google pay, shop pay, etc)

Could Have

  • Early access to new product drops

  • Complimentary riding lessons for different skill levels or types of riding (i.e. MTB lessons or early rider lessons)

  • Default sizes to products that will fit logged bikes

  • Buy Again

  • Subscribe + save

  • Complimentary repair kit

  • Free Samples

  • Curated lists to remedy specific issues (i.e. flat tire list)

  • 30-day bike trials

  • Early access to new product drops

  • Complimentary riding lessons for different skill levels or types of riding (i.e. MTB lessons or early rider lessons)

  • Default sizes to products that will fit logged bikes

  • Buy Again

  • Subscribe + save

  • Complimentary repair kit

  • Free Samples

  • Curated lists to remedy specific issues (i.e. flat tire list)

  • 30-day bike trials

Could Have

  • Early access to new product drops

  • Complimentary riding lessons for different skill levels or types of riding (i.e. MTB lessons or early rider lessons)

  • Default sizes to products that will fit logged bikes

  • Buy Again

  • Subscribe + save

  • Complimentary repair kit

  • Free Samples

  • Curated lists to remedy specific issues (i.e. flat tire list)

  • 30-day bike trials

Should Have

  • Birthday and anniversary perks/discounts

  • Tracking of redeemed offers

  • Bike rentals

  • Product suggestions

  • Chat with a technician

  • Access to a buy-back/used bike program

  • Free loaner bike while bikes are being serviced

  • Birthday and anniversary perks/discounts

  • Tracking of redeemed offers

  • Bike rentals

  • Product suggestions

  • Chat with a technician

  • Access to a buy-back/used bike program

  • Free loaner bike while bikes are being serviced

Should Have

  • Birthday and anniversary perks/discounts

  • Tracking of redeemed offers

  • Bike rentals

  • Product suggestions

  • Chat with a technician

  • Access to a buy-back/used bike program

  • Free loaner bike while bikes are being serviced

Won't Have

  • Complimentary refreshments

  • Early access to new and popular events

  • Connection with local community through a chat feature to meet others

  • Inbox for latest offer

  • Complimentary refreshments

  • Early access to new and popular events

  • Connection with local community through a chat feature to meet others

  • Inbox for latest offer

Won't Have

  • Complimentary refreshments

  • Early access to new and popular events

  • Connection with local community through a chat feature to meet others

  • Inbox for latest offer

After defining the value proposition, I started to ideate information architecture and create low fidelity wireframes and prototypes to test.

Information Architechture

The IA evolved over two phases to accommodate complex filtering needs. The mind map helped inform the final design.

Initial Sitemap

1.0 Hierarchical Model

The hierarchical model was the starting point for the IA since it is a familiar shopping experience for most users. Through testing users sought different levels of refinement, some being quite detailed and increasing complexity of the information architecture.

2.0 Mind Map

The mind map represents a database model, which involves an advanced search function to connect users to bike shops.

1.0 Hierarchical Model

The hierarchical model was the starting point for the IA since it is a familiar shopping experience for most users. After discovering through testing that users sought different levels of refinement, some being quite detailed, the structure needed to be reconsidered.

1.0 Hierarchical Model

The hierarchical model was the starting point for the IA since it is a familiar shopping experience for most users. Through testing users sought different levels of refinement, some being quite detailed and increasing complexity of the information architecture.

1.0 Hierarchical Model

The hierarchical model was the starting point for the IA since it is a familiar shopping experience for most users. Through testing users sought different levels of refinement, some being quite detailed and increasing complexity of the information architecture.

2.0 Mind Map

The mind map represents a database model, which involves an advanced search function to connect users to bike shops.

2.0 Mind Map

The mind map represents a database model, which involves an advanced search function to connect users to bike shops.

2.0 Mind Map

The mind map represents a database model, which involves an advanced search function to connect users to bike shops.

Final Mind Map


Two iterations were tested through an unmoderated usability study, followed by a short system usability scale survey.

Success during the usability test were determined by documenting click paths, noting observations about how a function might be improved based on user feedback, documenting quotes, and assessing completion rates. Time on task and error rates were also observed.

The biggest pain points upon testing included finding a shop, refining results, and checking out.

Find a bike shop UX
Add a bike to cart UX

Task 01

Find a bike shop that sells adult bikes.



Find a bike shop UX

Task 01



Find a bike shop that sells adult bikes.

Find a bike shop UX

Task 01



Find a bike shop that sells adult bikes.


Confusing Journey

All users struggled to find a shop from the home screen.

The low fidelity prototype lacked hierarchy, context and expected functionality, resulting in all users struggling to find a bike shop that sold adult bikes. Content irrelevant to the task was distracting and important actions like filters were overlooked. With this in mind, I emphasized the app’s main functions on the home screen of the high fidelity prototype, referencing scanning patterns and design principles.

Users were more successful in their tasks using the second prototype, but duplicative screens encountered when users didn’t follow the happy path ultimately caused confusion and unnecessary clicks.

On the results page, the ability to filter in two locations increased success, but also left users confused as each listed the same filters. The journey still felt cumbersome and some sought additional filters by category, such as “e-bikes” or “mountain bikes”. A solution could be adding the options to the filter menu, but might also increase time on task and lead to decision fatigue by showing too many options.

Industry Standards

Based on their previous experience, half of our users stated they wish they could have searched for adult bikes.

This pain point references both industry standards and user control heuristics. Users are familiar with conducting specified searches and the instant gratification searches and filters provide.

While filters appeared when the search was invoked, there is a long list of criteria users might search by and it will change based on their task. If users are shopping, they might want to search for a shop with mountain bikes; however, this information is not relevant to a search conducted by a user looking for a shop that offers maintenance. We know that our users are pressed for time and can tell that they are seeking more control during this process.

User Control

2 of 4 users thought the checkout happened too quickly.

While the original checkout flow included relevant order details, it lacked the ability to edit obviously.

Users expected a confirmation step even when using quick pay options, like Apple Pay or Google Pay, which our app lacked. This tells us that even when users are in a hurry, they are still intentional.

Low fidelity prototypes incorporated "add to cart" buttons on product cards, but all users still navigated to the PDP to add to cart. The icons were confusing and one user stated that especially with large purchases, they wanted to ensure they were adding the correct item to their cart by confirming details on the product page.

Map Interactions

2 out of 3 users tried to select map pins to orient themselves or find out more about stores.

This tells us again that users are referencing their past experiences and that pins are an important part of wayfinding when presented with maps.

Touch Targets

2 users accidentally selected an adjacent filter.

While this was an error in the prototype, it was a reminder to keep touch target size in mind so users are making intentional decisions and avoiding unnecessary errors.

The Solution

By re-visiting the information architecture, I considered a design that used a database model rather than the typical hierarchical shopping experience to arrive at the final designs.


Building Trust with System State Visibility

Users stated during testing they liked to see confirmation of actions and alerts that inform them of changes. When using a new app, it can be hard for users to orient themselves causing frustration and increasing drop-off rates.

The final design incorporates progress bars, screen titles, confirmation dialogs, and interactive map pins to inform users along their journey. Overlay screens feature strategically blurred backgrounds to provide context that it is a second tier flow while suggested actions on blank state screens direct users to recover from errors.

Final Project Progress Indicators

Progress Indicators



Final Project Progress Indicators

Progress Indicators



Final Project Progress Indicators

Progress Indicators

Final Project Checkout Modal
Final Project Checkout Modal
Final Project Checkout Modal


Intentionally Added Friction

We want to make sure our users always feel in control while using the app, especially when expensive purchases could be involved.

Adding an item to the cart can only be completed from a PDP for more informed purchasing.

Payment confirmation modals add friction to the checkout process to ensure users are taking action intentionally.

Search Stages

Final Project Search Stages
Final Project Search Stages
Final Project Search Flows
Final Project Search Flows
Final Project Search Flows


Contextual Searching

Half of our users expressed interest in a search function, but initial designs lacked context and was intended for location only. Since users were relied on search for location and filtering, the search needed to be more contextual.

The blank state of the final search is pre-filled with functional data to helps inform users of the type of search criteria they can choose to refine.

Collapsable menus direct users to more accurate results and clearly indicate functionality. As users move forward in the search, selections are visible and editable in collapsed lists.

Contextual filters on results screens allow users to refine based on relevant criteria.

Cost Effective

Prioritizing Rewards

The main objective of the app is to connect users to affordable transportation, so rewards should be accessible from the main navigation. Users are immediately informed of their current and future status upon opening the app.

The rewards screen is segmented into logical groupings to help breakdown the information and convey where users are, what they can achieve, and what can be redeemed currently.

Discount and reward opportunities appear throughout all stages of the journey to ensure users receive the full benefits of the app. QR Codes and promotion codes allow rewards to be easily redeemed in-store or within the app.

Final Project Rewards Screens
Final Project Rewards Screens
Final Project Rewards Screens
Final Project Personalization Options
Final Project Personalization Options
Final Project Personalization Options

Easy to Use

Catering to Different Users' Needs

By offering a flexible experience, we can cater to both new and experienced users, or users with specific accessibility needs.

A simplified view can be invoked from the home screen to focus on pertinent information only.

Favorite and Recent cards help regular users complete tasks more efficiently by easily accessing their trusted shops.

Easy to Use

Flexible Booking

Users can easily schedule annual or biannual recurring bookings and add them to their phone’s calendar from the confirmation screen.

Service and rental menus allow users to specify if they have rigid timelines, or are open to browsing shops that might otherwise be a close match.

Final Project Booking Prompts
Final Project Booking Prompts
Final Project Booking Prompts
Final Project Segmented Search
Final Project Segmented Search
Final Project Segmented Search

Easy to Use

Segmented Search

All users struggled to accurately filter when actions were found in disjointed locations. Related actions needed to be unified in close proximity to communicate relationship. Accurate searches also require many keywords to satisfy all use cases. By switching the IA to a database model, all searches could be combined into one advanced search.

The search bar was moved to the home screen so users understand this is the starting point to many journeys.

Within one screen the search menu is unified and contextual with logical categories, allowing users to search based on their varying tasks. Shop is the default category as our users will likely be using this category most frequently.


Suggested Searches

Users who are avid cyclists state that they already have tried and true bikes or shops at home, but they might use the app when traveling.

Within zero query location searches, users can select their current location or recently searched locations

Final Project Suggested Search
Final Project Suggested Search
Final Project Suggested Search
Final Project Contextual Labels
Final Project Contextual Labels
Final Project Contextual Labels


Informed Booking

Labels inform users of maintenance status on their logged bikes to remind them which bikes might need to be prioritized within the service booking flow.


Reducing Cognitive Load for an Improved Checkout

Our users are busy and can’t always dedicate a lot of time to tasks, so helping them recall information alleviates stress.

Saved payment methods and quick-pay options can be utilized to help users checkout faster when needed.

Collapsable menus and confirmation screens allow for easy recall and navigation to correct any potential errors before processing payments.

Rewards can be easily applied during checkout or QR code in-store.

Final Project Checkout Flow
Final Project Checkout Flow
Final Project Checkout Flow